Tempo Zero Cloud: additional features to the Microsoft Business Central ERP, essential for SMBs
Tempo Zero Cloud
Get started with ERP in your company thanks to the package of additional extensions created for the typical Italian companies: Tempo Zero Cloud for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Developed in 2003, the features included in Tempo Zero have gradually grown to meet the needs of NAV-lab’s leading customers in their industries.
The NAV-lab R&D Laboratory, made up of technicians from all the group’s software houses, has been responsible for the development and continuous updating in line with the evolution of Microsoft technologies for Business, up to the current Microsoft Certified Cloud App: Tempo Zero Cloud.
Here you can find the evolutionary road-map of this App, used by hundreds of companies and thousands of users. It is the most widespread solution in Italy for companies using Microsoft ERP.

Solutions tailored to your company’s needs
Do your people want to continue to work according to established habits in SMBs and when you start a cloud management system they require custom developments?
Do you need to improve, expand, add some features or prepare certain prints and reports that are essential to make the work more fluid and effective, from sales management to that of the warehouse?
Fast start-up of Dynamics 365 Business Central
Do you need to add extensions to the Microsoft ERP that make your work easier and more optimized from the start, intervening with customizations only when necessary?
Do you want to be sure that these extensions will be improved and integrated continuously in line with the innovation required?
Choose NAV-LAB and Tempo Zero Cloud extensions to facilitate the management of accounting, administration, sales, and inventory.
Tempo Zero Cloud helps your employees
Tempo Zero Cloud: additional features to the Business Central standard
Tempo Zero Cloud helps you to cut costs and time in the start-up of Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP software in your company: here are the most significant extensions that you can immediately use in different business areas.
Electronic Invoicing Management
Thanks to the FE LITE CLOUD App, Tempo Zero Cloud generates B2B and PA e-Invoices in .xml format with a few simple clicks, both for active and passive invoices, preparing them to be sent to the intermediary.
By adding the FE FULL CLOUD App, the administrative-accounting clerks have access, within the ERP, to ALL INCLUSIVE ELECTRONIC INVOICE MANAGEMENT DASHBOARD for issuing, recording, monitoring and storing invoices.
The dashboard has been created with a view to digitalizing all customer and/or supplier relationship processes.
It includes digital SUBSTITUTE STORAGE for 10 years.
Multi-company, multi-database solution.
Master Data Certification
The certification provides for the verification and validation of the master data of Customers / Vendors / Items; the feature checks that each field is filled in correctly, before using the company names in the sales and purchase flows.
It is defined in advance which are the masterdata that must be subject to certification by company policy and which are the indispensable data.
You can also use the mode of “decertification” of the various fields, i.e. the process by which the data in the master data are revalidated in case of changes.
The strength of this feature is to provide qualified data upstream, giving the possibility to conclude the flow smoothly and without errors.
Order lines closure
It provides for the alignment of the quantities ordered and to be shipped to those actually shipped up until that moment: in this way the order residues of quantities that have not been processed or cannot be processed are closed. The intent is to be able to have order portfolio data that do not contain “misprints” but are congruous and true.
Packing List
The management of the PACKING LIST and related prints, integrates the management of sales notes and shipment documents: starting from the Sales Order you can open a specific document by which to subdivide into different packages the material to be shipped and for each package are reported some dimensional information.
Chart of account audit
It allows you to check the correct compiling of the Chart of Accounts, reporting any anomalies.
Specifically, the software verifies whether each individual analytical account has been correctly filled in, in line with its economic/patrimonial nature, as well as the corresponding Begin-Total and End-Total accounts (T-Accounts).
Free Shipping Documents
It allows the management of logistics documents not strictly associated with specific orders, i.e. documents that can be either only descriptive or linked to the warehouse, but not to specific purchase or sales orders.
Price and Discount Management
Extends the rules for calculating PRICES and DISCOUNTS, adding the possibility of determining an escalation, deciding the priority in the choice of selling prices as an alternative to the standard Business Central logics.
It provides for the AUTOMATIC COMPILATION of IBAN codes and bank data in the master data of customers and suppliers accounts: it is a function to support the user who has to streamline the compilation of the various fields, also thanks to the complete TABLES of the various bank branches, pre-loaded in Tempo Zero.
Grouped shipments and receivings
It enhances the standard functionality in the GROUPED SHIPMENTS AND RECEIPTS to allow shipping based on multiple sales order lines and receiving multiple purchase order lines from a single summary document.
Offers and orders storage
It allows to maintain the Sale Offers and Purchase Offers history if converted in order, and Sale Orders and Purchase Orders history if completely evaded.
It allows therefore to NOT ELIMINATE the historical of Offers and Orders to closing of the flow.
Job order management
Job order management and direct task on sale and purchase lines (with posting of the relative job accounting entries) and Job management and task on free shipment documents.
It also allows the analysis of the movements and evaluation of the job orders: it is therefore possible to have an overview of the movements on the job order through two reports, which work on the job order size or directly starting from the Job table.
It adapts and improves the OPERATING REPORTS – such as Offers, Proforma Invoices, Sales Order Confirmation, Sales Shipment, Sales Invoices, Credit Notes, as well as Offer Requests to Vendors, Order to Vendors – to the Italian procedure.
Moreover, the following reports are introduced: Item Age Composition – Qty., Vendor delivery report, CMR for Shippers, Job entries, Job movements and evaluation (by job size).
Administrative Reports – Split Payment – Letters of intent
It generates administrative reports suitable for the Italian enterprises, such as the T-accounts Trial Balance, the VAT Register, Vendor Aging and Customer Aging.
It expands the Split payment features. It also implements LETTERS OF INTENT, allowing to select them on the document and to cumulate the invoices in order to propose already the document in exemption or not. Moreover, in the entry phase, it automatically verifies the overrun of the indicated letter of intent.
Stamp Duty Management
This management is added in an integrated way for cases of exempt invoices (exempt Italian customers) that need the management of stamp duty as required by law.
There is the possibility of recovering these expenses by charging the customer or just tracking them in the electronic invoicing archives.
Account description
It introduces the ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTION management that allows to define an accounting description that can be modified before registering the documents at user’s discretion in Invoices/Credit notes, purchases and sales.
Competence Date management
It adds the COMPETENCE DATE MANAGEMENT with the introduction of the “Competence Date” field in the general journal entries and in the Invoice and Credit Note lines (both purchase and sale).
…and more.
Customers /Vendor agings, Extra-accounting G/L entries, Price list by customer …
TEMPO ZERO CLOUD: screenshots
Document Deletions and Corrections
In Tempo Zero Cloud there are features that allow the modification of some fields of a registered document, or its total deletion.
These functions are enabled only if the company decides to give operators this opportunity, otherwise it will be necessary to make transfers
as required by the STD of Business Central.
Therefore, through Tempo Zero Cloud setups, the company enables certain users to modify or delete registered documents.
However, there are restrictions to these “modifications” if the documents are included in the definitive fiscal books (VAT registers, G/L journal…)

Management of extra-accounting entries
In order to facilitate the construction of periodic balance sheets, the opportunity is given to make entries known as Extra-accounting entries as they are not fiscal. The accounting operators, through the registration templates, value these entries which, if necessary, through specific options, are added to the fiscal entries.
These functions of Include/Exclude Extra-accounting entries are present in the main accounting reporting functions.

In Tempo Zero Cloud there are several advanced reports in the various sections of the application.

Free shipping documents
Through this functionality it is possible to create a shipping document, both to customers and suppliers,
one-shot documents without the need to involve the normal order processes.

Packing List
The packing list management of Tempo Zero Cloud enriches the information related to the shipment giving the possibility to insert details of the shipment and of the packaging composition in order to produce specific reports that will be attached to the classic transport document.

This feature allows to check that in the main master data (customers, suppliers, articles) the fields that the company has defined as indispensable are filled in. Therefore, through an appropriate setup: the “certify” function is enabled where necessary, the chosen fields are defined and finally the users able to perform this function are enabled. In this way the master data are checked at the origin: if a master data is not flagged as “certified” it is not possible to activate any process.

You will be contacted by our specialists in Microsoft ERP and the Tempo Zero suite of apps. Our consultants are available to provide insights on content, features, usage modes for the benefit of your company, and for a personalized demo.
To activate the app, you need to contact NAV-lab for cost information and support regarding the download and implementation.
It’s also necessary to subscribe to the corresponding online service contract on a monthly or annual basis (SaaS – Software as a Service).
The service cost varies based on the number of users