Tempo Zero ENASARCO: integrated management of contributions for sales agents in the Microsoft ERP

Tempo Zero ENASARCO for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: for each agent, it manages Enasarco movements and accounting entries and determines the progress achieved

Do you use the activities of commercial and financial intermediation professionals in the company with an agency or representation contract?

Do you need to calculate and pay their contributions to the ENASARCO supplementary pension fund?

Here is the app to manage Enasarco accounting movements, related to social security contributions for business agents and sales representatives!

With the Tempo Zero ENASARCO App you can easily manage detailed Enasarco transactions by agent/document within Microsoft Business Central and obtain the related accounting entries until you can determine the progress achieved by each agent.

Tempo Zero ENASARCO concludes the agent management cycle together with Tempo Zero
which is pre-requisite and which contains the master information
of the agents and calculates the commissions due.

APP NAV-LAB per la gestione dei contributi per agenti di commercio Tempo Zero Enasarco | BusinessCentralApp

APP Microsoft Certified
available on Microsoft AppSource

Tempo Zero Provvigioni

APP Tempo Zero Enasarco per Microsoft Bsusiness Centra - Gestione contributi agenti di commercio | BusinessCentralApp

Tempo Zero ENASARCO: process integrated into the ERP

Here are the benefits for people who work in the management of Enasarco contributions for commercial agents:

The management covers social security and welfare system (retirement and assistance cases).

Tempo Zero Enasarco per Microsoft Bsusiness Centra - Gestione contributi agenti di commercio | BusinessCentralApp

The documents of the agent invoices are fed directly by the information of the commission calculation of the period.

Thanks to the supplier/agent connection, the App automatically prepares the calculation of the ENASARCO contribution for both the share paid by the agent and that paid by the company.

Since the ENASARCO process starts from the supplier’s turnover information, it is possible to activate the App even without having prepared the calculation of commissions, if this is managed in different forms by the Tempo Zero Provvigioni app.

In all cases, the calculation of the Enasarco contribution starts in the registration phase of purchase invoices, from the taxable amount of the invoice and considering historical data.

Through this calculation we determine:

  • the achievement of the annual maximum, in the case of compulsory social security,
  • the correct assignment of the assistance bracket.

In addition, the registration of the supplier document involves:

  • the entry of the movement related to the provision of the contribution with accounting
  • The creation of the deduction entry from the amount to be paid to the vendor.

These features depend on a series of setups that allow you to parameterize the registration modes and the accounts involved, also based on the type of agent himself.

The process also allows you to prepare manual entries:

  • for the recovery of previous data
  • to prepare entries that anticipate or correct the data of the invoices received with respect to the calculation itself.

Finally, on a quarterly basis, it is possible to prepare the calculation of the integration at the minimum payment to compare it with the calculation carried out on the Enasarco website and proceed with its accounting.

Tempo Zero ENASARCO: screenshots


Screenshot App Tempo Zero Enasarco: i contributi | BusinessCentralApp

Entry of transactions for agent invoice

Screenshot App Tempo Zero Enasarco: inserimento movimenti per fattura agente | BusinessCentralApp

Enasarco Movements

Screenshot App Tempo Zero Enasarco: i movimenti | BusinessCentralApp

Enasarco accounting records and movements

Screenshot App Tempo Zero Enasarco: Scrittura contabile e movimenti | BusinessCentralApp


You will be contacted by our specialists in Microsoft ERP and the Tempo Zero suite of apps. Our consultants are available to provide insights on content, features, usage modes for the benefit of your company, and for a personalized demo.


To activate the app, you need to contact NAV-lab for cost information and support regarding the download and implementation.

It’s also necessary to subscribe to the corresponding online service contract on a monthly or annual basis (SaaS – Software as a Service).

The service cost varies based on the number of users